Design Sprint Masterclass explained

Let's start with the basics! So, what is actually a Design Sprint?

It's a step by step system, for bringing a group of people together and making big decisions in one week. It's founded by the amazing Jake Knapp.

Our Design Sprint Masterclass teaches you everything you need to know to organize and facilitate the updated version of Design Sprint, which lasts only 4 days.

How long is it?

The Masterclass consists of roughly 6 hours of prerecorded videos and resources. On average our students complete it in 2-3 days. However, our courses are entirely self-paced so you can complete it at a time and pace best for you.

The material is always available to you, so even after you complete the course you can rewatch any of the videos again if you need a refresher before your next Sprint!

Are there templates/ other resources?

We also support you in the course with a host of resources from facilitators guides, pre-sprint preparation guides, and many more - the same ones we use in our Sprints. So when you run your own Sprints, you can focus on leading teams through it all.


As part of the Masterclass, you'll also get access to our online private community and get to interact with senior members of our sprints teams and all students and alumni of the course. This is the perfect place to ask about any challenges that should come your way in your journey. As a little bonus every two weeks we also host open live Q&A sessions where you can ask your questions live and get feedback from us and Jake Knapp who often joins our calls.


You can go to this link to see the curriculum

Ready for the take-off?

You can view the style of teaching of the course in the below lessons;

  1. What is a Design Sprint
  2. Day 1 - HMW voting -
  3. Advanced facilitation - How to maintain your group -

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