Design Sprint Masterclass vs. Sprint Book

The Sprint book is a great way to get started in the world of Design Sprints. No need to do before the course (we also cover the foundations), but it's a great primer. Our course was also developed with Jake, and we've got his blessing on it :-)

The Masterclass takes you through the process through each step of the way through prerecorded video lessons so you can learn how to take your teams through it. Our lessons are available at any time and you can watch them as many times as you need.

We also support you in the course with a host of resources from facilitators guides, pre-sprint preparation guides, and many more - the same ones we use in our Sprints. So when you run your own Sprints, you can focus on leading teams through it all.

Lastly, as part of the Masterclass, you'll also get access to our online private community and get to interact with senior members of our sprints teams and all students and alumni of the course. This is the perfect place to ask about any challenges that should come your way in your journey. As a little bonus every two weeks we also host open live Q&A sessions where you can ask your questions live and get feedback from us and Jake Knapp who often joins our calls.

If there's anything else you want to know, you can always reach us on [email protected]

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